Singing Guide: Linkin Park

Singing Guide: Linkin Park

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning how to sing like Chester Bennington from Linkin Park can be a rewarding and challenging endeavor. Chester was known for his powerful, full-throated singing style that blended elements of metal, rock and electronic music, and his ability to switch between screaming and singing with precision. Here are some tips to help you learn how to sing like Chester Bennington:

  1. First, start by practicing good breathing techniques, as it is essential to master breath support to sing like Chester. Singing Carrots Breath Support and Breathing basics articles can help you learn this aspect of singing.

  2. Second, study Chester's vocal range. Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test and Artist Vocal Ranges pages can help you determine your vocal range and find where it fits among Chester's vocal range.

  3. Third, practice your chest voice, which is the foundation of Chester's style. Singing Carrots Chest Voice video and article can help you learn more about it.

  4. Fourth, work on your scream technique. Chester used both false cord and fry screaming techniques. Singing Carrots Vocal Distortion & Growling and the Twang exercises videos can help you learn this style.

  5. Finally, learn some of Linkin Park's most iconic songs to develop your singing style by imitating Chester's vocal techniques. Singing Carrots Song Search can help you find the best songs and also the exclusive songbook section has lyrics and sheet music for many Linkin Park songs.

We hope these tips and Singing Carrots resources can guide you in your journey of learning how to sing like Chester Bennington from Linkin Park, and we hope you will achieve great success with this.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.